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Weston-super-Mare Operatic Society presents Cats

Jasmine joined the Weston-super-Mare Operatic Society (WOS) in May 2018 and was absolutely delighted to be cast as Macavity and Principal Dancer in their upcoming production of Cats. This was a highly demanding performance for Jasmine, full of dance content featuring multiple styles such as Jazz, Tap and Ballet. Due to her given role, Jasmine also gained experience in partner work (lifts) and hand-held pyrotechnics.

The show ran from Wednesday 24th - Saturday 27th October 2018 at The Playhouse Theatre, Weston-super-Mare. The five show run was a complete sell-out; a historic event for the society. 

Trevennon Dakota Artistry presents DAKOTAXVII

This project was something a little different from her usual theatre-based productions. Jasmine developed her modelling and film/camera work by being cast in DAKOTAXVII: a short experimental Arts film produced and created by Trevennon Dakota. She was able to use her dance skills and was shot en pointe whilst wearing a veil, which completely took away her ability to see. This Arts film is a dark piece featuring a number of different models that represent various emotions or mental states in relation to suffering - this is achieved using elements of Fine Art and High Fashion.

The film was released on 20th November 2016 and is now available on YouTube: please press the button to watch.

Jasmine is pleased to announce that DAKOTAXVII will be screened at IndieFlicks Film Festival in Shoreditch later this year - more details to follow. 

Sonder Theatre presents Basic Impulse 

Working as a Theatre Maker, Movement Artist and Performer, Sonder Theatre premiered Basic Impulse in May 2016 as part of the AMATA Festival. Basic Impulse explored the instincts and emotions behind humanity through a hybrid performance featuring text, voice, sound and movement. The piece was deemed 'almost site specific' - transforming, and crafting the piece around, the space.  

Tremough Follies presents Grease! the Musical

Taking on the roles of both Choreographer and Cha Cha DiGregorio, Tremough Follies presented Grease! the Musical for a three day run in early May 2016. This well-loved, upbeat musical was a perfect chance for Jasmine to put her dance skills and training to good use both off and on stage. Every performance was a sell-out and the show was enjoyed and recommended by many. 

South Bankers presents Softly Move

Having co-founded the company, Jasmine worked as Movement Director and Performer to create Softly Move which was first shown as part of Concourse 2015. This piece focused on story-telling through both text and movement/dance. This project developed from a three-fold piece into two separate performances: one purely aural, the other purely visual. It continues to be a work-in-progress.

Backdoor Cabaret presents The Last Ever Performance

Backdoor Cabaret premiered with their house band, KY and the Sensitive Lovers, at the AMATA Festival 2015 with a double performance: a theatre half and a music half. Jasmine was fortunate enough to be cast as one of the dirty damsels known for her dancing. Featured predominantly in the first half, the show was full of singing, dancing and performing, for example Jasmine featured as the lead in a burlesque number which she performed en pointe and a tango during KY's set, where she was the only dancer performing amongst the band and audience. The show was a complete sell-out. Please press the button to watch the promotional video.

'This is something that is very difficult to express through words. It is kind of relevant to the idea of eyes being windows to the soul.'

(South Bankers)

'This is what I am and where I belong. Voice unnecessary and irrelevant. It's all in my movement.' 

(Sonder Theatre)

'They call me Cha Cha 'cause I'm the best dancer at St. Bernadette's.'

(Grease! The Musical)

'Our ladies want to get smarter, but Clegg keeps making it harder,

can you feel it, do you feel me,

student debts'

(Backdoor Cabaret)

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